May 25-26, 2019 Spirit of Atlanta Hotel & Convention Center (Downtown) 3 PM Saturday, May 25 – 2 AM Sunday, May 26
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Maybe someday this convention will be for real, but for now it’s entirely fictional. This is what Riley, Beck, Simon and Katia would see when they attend TrapperCon in LOST SOULS.
I would loved to have been there. – Jana Oliver
TrapperCon Central Atrium Level Main Ballroom (ALMB)
Opening Ceremonies Saturday, 3 PM Join our convention chair as she introduces our special guests and tells you how to make the most out of our very first year. Here’s where to learn about the various programming tracks and any changes to schedule.
Origins of Good vs. Evil Saturday, 5 PM Conventional wisdom suggests we are destined to be either Good or Evil. Is that true, or did our options change when Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden? Our panelists will examine the nature of both Good and Evil and where modern society stands on this most intriguing question.
Effective Holy Water Application Saturday, 7 PM Keeping your home, office or school safe from Hellspawn requires constant vigilance, and the judicious use of Holy Water. How is Holy Water created and is one type one more effective than another? When warding a structure, where’s the best places for application? Panelists will also discuss the most common mistakes we make and how Hell can take advantage of those blunders.
Costume Contest Saturday 10–11:30 PM *Sign-up at Registration Desk before 7 PM* Show off your best costume creations during the first-ever TrapperCon Costume Contest. Judges include none other than Blaze and Jess from Demonland! Prizes for First, Second and Third place will be awarded.
Demonland: Real vs. Make Believe Saturday, 11:30 p.m. Join the cast of Demonland as they explain what it’s like to be part of a hit TV series that the Vatican loves to ignore. Panel Participants: Susan Dempsey (Blaze), Jeff Campbell (Jess Storm), António Fontes (Raphael Montoya) Plus … two special Demon Trapper guests you won’t want to miss!!!
Demonland Autograph Session 12:30 PM-2:00 AM Susan Dempsey (Blaze), Jeff Campbell (Jess Storm), António Fontes (Raphael Montoya) Plus Special Guests!
Angelology 101 Meeting Room A
The Hierarchy of Angels Saturday, 4 PM There is often debate as to which angel is more powerful than another. Lists abound, and there seems to be countless shuffling of positions depending on various faith traditions’ views and current public sentiment. This panel will discuss the differences between Archangels (like Michael, Gabriel etc.), Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, and so on through the line of angelic beings.
Artful Angels Saturday, 5 p.m. Angels have always played a role in classical paintings and sculptures and have changed in tandem with our perception of these ethereal beings. This workshop will highlight many fine examples from over the centuries, and from all over the world. Examples include ancient Assyrian statues, Song of Angels by William Adolphe Bouguereau, Cherubini by Raphael, and Guido Reni’s Michael defeating the devil displayed in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. More modern examples include Marc Chagall’s ceiling at the Opera National in Paris (1964).
Crafting Heavenly Costumes Saturday, 6 PM Creating a heavenly costume isn’t just a matter of gluing a few feathers on yourself and calling it good. A fabulous costume may require hours of planning and considerable time for execution. Join a panel composed of skilled cosplayers to learn what’s ‘in’, what’s ‘out’, and just how many feathers it takes to pull off a jaw-dropping costume.
Why Do Angels Fall? Saturday, 7 PM You’d think that once an angel had a job for eternity that’d be it, but it isn’t always the case. What led Lucifer to rebel? How did he talk other angels into the biggest employee walkout in history? Our panel will discuss exactly what led to the breakup and why some believe that angels continue to fall.
Pop Culture Angels Saturday, 8 PM Angels on the telly? In the movies? On stage? Yes, they’re everywhere and that’s because we love them. Let’s check out some of our favorites (Good Omens, anyone?) along with some that just didn’t make the grade.
Angel Spotting in the Real World Saturday, 9 PM Three top angel spotters share their tips for finding the real deal in the real world. They will also explain how easy it is to be fooled by Hell which has its own set of tricks when it comes to confusing us mortals.
Demon Trappers & Demon Hunters Meeting Room B
The History of the Demon Trappers Saturday, 4 PM It seems that there’s always been Demon Trappers, but that’s not the case. The history of the trappers is one full of surprises, betrayals and politics over the centuries. Join our historians as they discuss this most unique organization, and what it means to have trappers in the 21st century.
The Vatican’s Demon Hunters Saturday, 5 PM Ask any trapper and the first thing they’ll say is “No, we’re like the Demon Hunters.” So, what is the difference and why is the Vatican’s team considered one of the most lethal forces in the world? Join us to find out what is involved in becoming a hunter, and why Rome’s still hasn’t opened up the teams to women after all these centuries.
Demon Trapping 101 Saturday, 6PM Think you have what it takes to be a trapper? Come find out as our panelists explain the different levels of Demon Trapping (apprentice, journeyman, master and grand master) as well as the intensive training it takes to reach those designations. Warning: certain topics will be graphic and we recommend that the audience members be 14 years and above.
So Many Spheres, So Little Time Saturday, 7 PM You’re not the only one who is confused by all the spheres the trappers use to defeat Hellspawn. Holy Water spheres, Babel spheres, “snow globes”, shield and grounding spheres? Why are there so many choices and why are they different sizes and colors? What does each do and why is there magic (and witches) involved in their creation? This is a hands-on experience and we promise you’ll be an expert by the end of this panel.
The Ultimate Battle of Good vs Evil: Who Will Win? Saturday, 8 PM Everyone would like to think that Good always triumphs, but history says otherwise. Is Heaven hamstrung because they have to follow certain Rules of Engagement or is Hell on the short end because being Evil just isn’t that creative? Join our panelists for a lively discussion of the Ultimate Battle and our role in that war.
Demon Trappers Tours: Crass or Cool? Saturday, 9 PM The existence of tours of Demon Central raises a number of questions, especially in a city where more than one trapper-related tragedy has occurred. Local guides will be discussing the merits of the tours, and the downsides.
Art Show Meeting Room C
Come browse through Art Show based on themes from Heaven and Hell. Artists will be available to talk about their work, and the artwork will be up for auction with 5% of the purchase price donated to the Demon Trappers Widows & Orphans’ Fund.
TrapperCon Dealer’s Room Meeting Room C
Because everyone needs angel wings, Trapper merch or a set of demon horns.
Demonology 101 Meeting Room D
Demon Classification: The Good, the Bad and the Butt Ugly Saturday, 4 PM The National Demon Trappers Guild classifies demons in terms of cunning and lethality, as well as detailing which magical weapons work best against those same fiends. Some argue that system is outmoded. How are those classifications determined? What happens when a new Hellspawn appears? Why does it matter? Join the panel in a lively discussion about applying human ‘ratings’ against infernal threats.
Hell’s CEO: Why Lucifer? Saturday, 5 PM The Adversary’s decision to leave his job in Heaven is one scholars still puzzle over to this day. Out of all the angels in Creation, why did he want Hell’s top job? What kind of mind does it take to defy your Divine boss and then steal some of God’s workforce? This panel (a priest, rabbi, pastor and an H.R. management specialist) will discuss this eternal puzzle.
DHRT (Demons Have Rights Too!) Saturday, 6 PM Should Hellspawn have rights just like everyone else? Are they a persecuted minority or a Hellishly clever way of making us champion their infernal cause? Join Georgia’s president of DHRT as he explains why fiends can be your “friends”. On the opposing side is the Demon Trappers series author Jana Oliver, who argues against DHRT’s unholy legislative agenda.
Crafting the Perfect Hellspawn Costume Saturday, 7 PM Join famous demonic cosplayers from around the country as they discuss the challenges they’ve faced in creating the perfect Hellspawn costume. Should your costume be as real to the source material as possible, or just for the fun of it? How do cultural differences play into portraying a demon from one continent vs. another? How mobile are you in that costume and just how much time (and money) is going to be involved in creating it? The panelists will discuss how to protect yourself while wearing a demonic costume because sometimes the public can’t tell real from cosplay.
Dressing for the Apocalypse: Clothing for the End Times Saturday 8 PM Choosing your outfit for the End of Times is tricky. Do you want to go out with flair or do you want to go down fighting? Time to be chic or channel your inner badass? Panelists will discuss the pros and cons of both along with examples.
What’s a Soul Worth? Saturday, 9 PM How does a demon determine if your soul is worthy to co-opt? Are some people’s souls worth more than others and just how much “favor” or power does one soul in Hell buy you?
Video Track Meeting Room G
Some of the most heart-stopping moments in a trapper or hunter’s day job end up on video. You can blame YouTube for that … or you can watch the best of the best face off against fiends across the globe. This track will also show some of the more memorable television episodes devoted to Heaven, Hell and pretty much everything in between.
Demon Trappers® is a registered trademark of Jana G. Oliver. All rights reserved.